Community Small Grants

The Community Small Grants Program is part of the Communities for Children DSS funding and provides funding for short term activities, events or programs to support and strengthen families and children in the Burnie Statistical Area.

What does this program offer?

CatholicCare Tasmania is the Facilitating Partner (FP) for Communities for Children Burnie and are providing an opportunity for local organisations and service agencies to apply for grant funding to provide services targeted to activities or programs that include parenting support, group peer support, case management, home visiting, community events and life skills course.

Who can access this program?

Any organisation that is a not-for-profit, charitable or community association.

What does it cost?


How to access this program?

EOI – Grant Round 9 – 2024/2025

CatholicCare Tasmania is the Facilitating Partner for Communities for Children Burnie. Through a competitive process, organisations may make an application to receive one of three funding grants in the community small grants round 9 of up to $10,500 each to deliver an activity, event or run a short-term program in the greater Burnie Regional Area. Funded activities or programs could include parenting support, group peer support, case management, home visiting, community events and life skills courses.


Applications open: Wednesday 17th July 2024

Applications close: Friday 16th August 2024

Assessment Period: 16th August – 30th August 2024

Notification of outcome: 11th September 2024

Program delivery period: 14th October 2024 – 30th June 2025

To apply: Click HERE

Guidelines: Click HERE

FAQ’s: Click HERE

Application Checklist: Click HERE

Please tell us the best time to call you.

What does this program offer?

CatholicCare Tasmania is the Facilitating Partner (FP) for Communities for Children Burnie and are providing an opportunity for local organisations and service agencies to apply for grant funding to provide services targeted to activities or programs that include parenting support, group peer support, case management, home visiting, community events and life skills course.

Who can access this program?

Any organisation that is a not-for-profit, charitable or community association.

What does it cost?


How to access this program?

EOI – Grant Round 9 – 2024/2025

CatholicCare Tasmania is the Facilitating Partner for Communities for Children Burnie. Through a competitive process, organisations may make an application to receive one of three funding grants in the community small grants round 9 of up to $10,500 each to deliver an activity, event or run a short-term program in the greater Burnie Regional Area. Funded activities or programs could include parenting support, group peer support, case management, home visiting, community events and life skills courses.


Applications open: Wednesday 17th July 2024

Applications close: Friday 16th August 2024

Assessment Period: 16th August – 30th August 2024

Notification of outcome: 11th September 2024

Program delivery period: 14th October 2024 – 30th June 2025

To apply: Click HERE

Guidelines: Click HERE

FAQ’s: Click HERE

Application Checklist: Click HERE

Do you have feedback for us?

Please tell us the best time to call you.